Energy Savings Assistance
Programs Solicitations

Energy Savings Programs


San Diego Gas & Electric Company (SDG&E) plans to conduct competitive solicitations starting in the Fall of 2021 throughout 2022 to select implementers for Energy Savings Assistance (ESA) programs approved in a recent California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) decision (D.21-06-015). On this page we’ll provide interested bidders with general information and requirements in order to participate in the following four solicitations:  

  1. ESA Multifamily Whole Building (MFWB) Program 

  2. Main ESA Program (Base Program)  

  3. ESA Pilot Plus/Pilot Deep (also called the Energy Division Staff Pilot) 

  4. ESA Information Technology (IT) Solutions 

SDG&E Energy Savings Assistance Solicitation Vision

SDG&E will apply an open, fair, and competitive process to select the best implementers for our customers and to provide bidders the opportunity to participate and be successful. 

The Solicitation Process

Overview of solicitation process

This overview of the approach applies to all solicitations listed above. Any deviations or exceptions to the process will be detailed in the specific solicitations. Per D.21-06-015,* we will utilize a single-stage RFP, followed by a two-step selection process.  

Stage 1: Request for Proposal (RFP) 

We’ll release the RFPs through our Solicitation System. In addition, we’ll notify the public through a variety of avenues, including the CPUC service lists for relevant proceedings. A bidders’ conference will be held to answer questions related to the RFPs. And to the extent possible, we may accommodate requests for relevant data from RFP participants to enable them to design and propose the highest quality programs. Proposals will be evaluated by means of qualitative and quantitative criteria.   

Step 1: Bidder Selection

Prior to being fully reviewed and scored, each bidder proposal must pass a minimum compliance review to ensure the following:  

  • Bidder eligibility 

  • The proposal addresses all requested information 

  • The information is accurate, complete, and meets our applicable standards as set out in the Solicitation RFP 

This generally includes providing a complete Contractor Safety Plan and describing how the plan aligns with legislative and regulatory requirements.  Proposals that pass the minimum compliance review will be evaluated using the remaining criteria that are applicable to the RFP. 

Bidders will be evaluated, and based on their evaluated scores, selected Bidders may be invited to interview.   

Step 2: Bidder Interviews 

Selected bidders are invited to answer specific questions and provide presentations during interviews.  

Contract Negotiations 

After Step 1 and 2, and after the interview, a final Bidder(s) will be selected for the opportunity for contract negotiations.   

*D.21-06-015 at 355 and Section 1 of Attachment 4

Goals and Requirements 

Each ESA program that will be solicited with the goal of providing interested bidders with the information they need to effectively design programs that meets our portfolio needs.  

Additional Requirements for Solicitations

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SDG&E Solicitation Plan
SDG&E Solicitation Plan
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SoCalGas Solicitation Plan
SoCalGas Solicitation Plan
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SCE Solicitation Plan
SCE Solicitation Plan
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PG&E Solicitation Plan
PG&E Solicitation Plan

Procurement Review Group (PRG) and Independent Evaluator (IE) 

The Commission requires that the MFWB solicitation includes an ESA PRG and IE to provide oversight. The ESA PRG will include members of non-financially interested parties, including Commission staff and the Public Advocates Office.** The ESA IE is selected from the Energy Efficiency solicitations IE pool. Both ESA PRG members and the IE will be approved by the Director of the Energy Division. 

The Commission does not require the use of an ESA PRG and IE for all Low-Income solicitations.  We have determined that given the cost, timing, and schedule constraints, we do not intend to use the PRG and IE process for the ESA Program, ESA Pilot Plus/ Pilot Deep Program, and IT Solutions solicitations.  

**D.21-06-015 OP 121

ESA Solicitations Active

SDGE Main ESA Program HVAC and Water Heater Repair and Replacement Solicitation Notice

HVAC and Water Heater Repair and Replacement Services Bidders  Conference - January 30, 2023 Recording(link is external)

SDG&E Pilot Plus/Pilot Deep 2.0 Solicitation Notice

SDG&E Pilot Plus/Pilot Deep 2.0 Bidders Conference - December 6, 2022 Recording(link is external)

Solicitation Schedule & Timeline  

View the ESA solicitations schedule

Staying Informed 

We recommend for interested bidders to register with the statewide Proposal Evaluation & Proposal Management Application (PEPMA(link is external)) and with our Solicitation System to stay informed on the latest developments for each solicitation. Any official SDG&E notifications will be provided through our Solicitation System (PowerAdvocate(link is external)).  

ESA Solicitation Workshop November 16, 2021

MFWB Workshop November 17, 2021 – Details

Supplier Diversity Symposium - Registration Due by December 3, 2021 

MF-CAM Process Evaluation - Draft Interim Findings Memo

  • Available for access and comment posting at!/documents/2578/view []
  • Comments will be accepted from Wed, Jan 27 thru Fri, Feb 18, and comment responses will be posted by Fri, Feb 25.
  • A webinar will also be hosted on Wed, Feb 16 from 9 to 10:30 am to present interim findings and collect stakeholder feedback, covering the following topics for the IOUs' MF-CAM initiatives: 1) Draft process flow diagrams; 2) Draft program logic models; 3) Best practices and lessons learned.
  • For more information, please contact Iris Cheung at

MFWB Bidder Conference/Workshop February 9, 2022 - Details

MF-CAM Process Evaluation:  Interim Findings Webinar

  • Wednesday, February 16, 2022 from 9:00am to 10:30am
  • Teams Meeting: Click here(link is external) to join the meeting.
  • Or call in (audio only)  +1 925-421-0866,,740626230#   United States, Concord 
  • Phone Conference ID: 740 626 230#

Pilot Plus and Pilot Deep Bidder Conference/Workshop March 4, 2022 - Details

Main ESA RFP Bidder Conference/Workshop March 25, 2022 - Details

Pilot Plus and Pilot Deep 2.0 Workshop September 27, 2022

Southern MFWB Implementation Plan Public Presentation by RHA February 16, 2023


Tools and Resources

PEPMA (Proposal Evaluation & Proposal Management Application) is a California Statewide Investor Owned Utilities (IOU) and Energy Savings Assistance Solicitation Website that serves as a resource for bidders to learn about upcoming energy savings assistance opportunities, solicitations and energy savings solicitations information and resources.  PEPMA website(link is external)

Power Advocate is SDG&E’s sourcing platform where interested bidders will need to register for access to all solicitations (Request for Proposals). Bidders can review activities including communications, document download and upload, and information regarding solicitation milestones.  PowerAdvocate website(link is external)

Interested Organization Form – Bidder Opt-In Networking Opportunity

If you are interested in Partnering with other Bidders for Solicitations, you must register in PowerAdvocate(link is external) for the event, where Bidders will find an Interested Organizations Form for a voluntary RFP participation contact list for those who provide consent. This RFP contact list enables interested DBEs, SBEs, prime contractors, and subcontractors to circulate their information (i.e. names, core capabilities, and certification statuses) and be contacted, if desired, in connection with this RFP.

Schedule A – SDG&E Additional Terms and Conditions 

Schedule A1 – PUC Standard Contract Terms and Conditions

Schedule A2 - Information Security Requirements 

SDG&E Portfolio Filings 

SDG&E Contract Elements (forthcoming) 

CPUC Decision Addressing Energy Savings Assistance Application for ESA, CARE and FERA Programs  

CPUC website(link is external)  

Statewide California Installation Standards

Statewide Policy and Procedures Manual

Utility Zip Codes by Climate Zones

The Southern Multifamily Energy Savings Rent Affordability Agreement